Eighty percent of Americans will experience lower back pain at some time in their lives, according to an excellent New York Times article that I read recently. Each year, 15-20% will report that they are undergoing chronic lower back pain.

“The lower back is the center of our whole body” said Dr. Krishna, an interventional pain specialist. The spine has to be mobile, able to bend and twist in multiple directions, while also bearing the weight of our body. Surrounding the spine are the core muscles. These include the deep back muscles, hip muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and our abdominals. All of these muscles together support our spine and pelvis similar to a back brace. Developing our own internal brace is far more effective! 

The article describes a number of ways that any of us can eliminate or reduce this suffering for ourselves:

·      Move. Physical activity really helps. Regular exercise, particularly a variety of types, helps not only the muscles but also the bones and cartilage that support the spine. This makes all the difference for your lower back. 

·      Strengthen your core muscles—but not just the big ones. Instead, you have to work the deep core muscles that are often neglected such as the transverse abdominis and the multifidus. These deeper muscles which we can’t see are challenged and engaged during movements that require more control than raw power.

·      Work on muscular coordination and spine control. The article suggested that Pilates, which emphasizes muscle control in addition to strengthening the deeper core muscles, is one of the very best forms of exercise in which to engage.

This is, perhaps, not news to those who are already familiar with Pilates. I have so many wonderful clients who work hard to build their core and diligently focus on slow, controlled movements, activating all these important areas. I love helping my clients understand how beneficial this work is and I am thrilled that many of them report that they are no longer suffering from lower back pain (or other issues) due to our sessions together. That kind of success is fabulous and empowers them, while making it easy for me to get up every morning and go to the studio with a smile on my face!